We keep talking about it, natural referencing is important for your web visibility. Your help center will deal with topics specific to your business and your market sector and will therefore include keywords that can improve your SEO. And who says better referencing, says better positioning on search engines. It will therefore be easier for you to capture new prospects.
Personalize the customer journey
Today, customers like to search independently in order to quickly find the answers to their questions. And who better than you to answer their questions? In addition, it can adapt perfectly to your site and become an integral part of its navigation. Hyperlinks can come on your product or service pages and thus complete your offer via tips or solutions. Interactive guides can also be a good complement to personalize the customer journey.
Analyze your data
Zendesk Help Centers give you access to a lot of great data. With better user knowledge, comes improved customer satisfaction. You can see what is being searched for, if your answers suit your customers, if any information is missing and thus improve your articles quickly. Guide's content suggestion will be very helpful for you to improve your articles.
Save time
If your help center is well written, it will save your team valuable time. Your customers will be autonomous and will find their answers, without sending a ticket to your customer service. Your help center will also become the reference point in case of a customer question whose answer is already present in your help center. A simple macro, the link concerned and the ticket is solved! Your response time and customer satisfaction are improved.
Multi-brand and multilingual
It is common to have several brands and creating a help center again becomes a real headache. Again, Zendesk has the solution. The multi-brand is available and allows in the same space, to manage several brands. The same goes for the multilingual on your help center, which can be inserted very easily. And don't worry about the services which may be different depending on the country, you can display sections on language conditions. Here again, the Knowledge has the answer to everything.